In cancer and aging, interconnected roles for apoptosis and cellular senescence
A common feature of cancer and aging is cells' reduced ability to respond to stress-induced damage to DNA or cellular structures. Specifically, changes occur in the protective processes of apoptosis...
View ArticleWorld first discovery gets to the heart of birth defects
For the first time, scientists believe they've discovered a cause of multiple types of birth defects triggered by environmental stresses.
View ArticleResearchers discover the machinery that neurons use to form and maintain...
Scientists at the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona), headed by Jens Lüders, group leader of the Microtubule Organization Laboratory, have described a new molecular mechanism that...
View ArticleResearchers solve mystery on how regenerative medicine works
A study from the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and the McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine identifies a mechanism by which bioscaffolds used in regenerative medicine influence...
View ArticleStudy shows cell-free DNA sequencing is more accurate for diagnosing...
Using next-generation sequencing (NGS) methods to analyze cell-free DNA in the blood of patients with myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) yields more accurate results than the current standard approach of...
View ArticleNext steps toward preventing cancer and Alzheimer's
A new generation of drugs that prevent cancer and Alzheimer's could be developed, thanks to research from the University of Warwick.
View ArticleInsight into cancer cells' abnormal behavior
Scientists at Lancaster University have shed light on the metabolic switch observed in abnormal cells like cancer.
View ArticleElimination of senescent cells improves lung function in mice
Most cells can divide only a limited number of times and eventually undergo permanent cell cycle arrest, a state known as cellular senescence. Cellular senescence is mediated by activation of specific...
View ArticleWant a better memory? Try eating a Mediterranean diet
Eating a Mediterranean diet can slow down cognitive decline.
View ArticleAutophagy under the microscope as never before
We don't tend to wrap our recycling waste in bubble wrap but that's essentially what cells do during the cellular recycling process called autophagy. Using the live imaging capabilities at the Babraham...
View ArticleHigh expression of short gene appears to contribute to destructive eye...
Scientists have found a variation of the miR-182 gene in patients with primary open-angle glaucoma that results in this overexpression, said Dr. Yutao Liu, vision scientist and human geneticist in the...
View ArticleUnravelling the biology of parkinsonism
Scientists have taken another step towards understanding the causes of parkinsonism by identifying what's happening at a cellular level to potentially help develop future treatments.
View ArticleGenes that control cellular senescence identified
A research group including Professor KAMADA Shinji, Research Fellow NAGANO Taiki (both from the Kobe University Biosignal Research Center), and Unit Chief ENARI Masato (National Cancer Research...
View ArticleIn experiments echoing mice behavior, researchers emulate how brains...
Though scientists have long known that mice can pick out scents—the smell of food, say, or the odor of a predator—they have been at a loss to explain how they are able to perform that seemingly complex...
View ArticleFighting the aging process at a cellular level
It was about 400 BC when Hippocrates astutely observed that gluttony and early death seemed to go hand in hand. Too much food appeared to 'extinguish' life in much the same way as putting too much wood...
View ArticleNew method to detect aging cells and advance rejuvenation therapies
Scientists have discovered a new way to look for ageing cells across a wide range of biological materials; the new method will boost understanding of cellular development and ageing as well as the...
View ArticleHow protein fragments associated with Alzheimer's could trigger Parkinson's
Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases are different neurodegenerative conditions that can sometimes affect the same person, which has led scientists to investigate possible links between the two. Now...
View ArticleNeurons adjust their proteins during homeostatic scaling
Learning and memory formation are based on our brain's ability to adjust and regulate neuronal network activity. Neurons communicate at specialized structures known as synapses, and they are able to...
View ArticleScientists use advanced technology to better understand ataxia
According to a recent study published in JAMA Neurology, Northwestern Medicine scientists have examined more than a century of data of the genetic makeup of ataxias, a neurodegenerative disorder, to...
View ArticleBefore a cure, a crusade to stop lung cancer from spreading
The American Cancer Society has reported that lung cancer, which kills more Americans than any other type of cancer, is expected result in an estimated 158,080 deaths in 2016.
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